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Fastener Fair

Date:2025-03-25 - 2025-03-27
The Fastener Fair in Stuttgart, Germany, 2025, will be held from March 25th to March 27th. The exhibition will be held at Stuttgart Exhibition Grounds in Stuttgart, Germany, organized by Mack Brooks Exhibitions. The exhibition will take place every two years, covering an area of 22200 square meters and attracting a total of 12070 attendees. The number of exhibitors and participating brands has reached 987. The Fastener Fair in Stuttgart, Germany, together with the Las Vegas Show and the Shanghai International Fastener Exhibition, is known as the three major fastener exhibitions in the world and has a strong international influence. It is held every two years. This exhibition gathers internationally renowned fastener manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, and distributors, showcasing various latest products and technologies with a wide range of categories and high technological content, which to some extent represents the technological trends and popular trends of the fastener industry. 展会介绍 2025年德国斯图加特紧固件展览会(Fastener Fair),展会时间:2025年03月25日~03月27日,展会地点:德国-斯图加特-Stuttgart Exhibition Grounds,主办方:马克 - 布鲁克斯展览公司(Mack Brooks Exhibitions),举办周期:两年一届,展会面积:22200平米,参展观众:12070人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到987家。 德国斯图加特国际紧固件展会Fastener Fair与美国拉斯维加斯展、上海国际紧固件专业展并称为全球三大紧固件专业展,具有很强的国际影响力,每两年举办一次。本次展会聚集了国际著名的紧固件厂家、设备制造商和分销商,展出各种最新的产品与技术,类别繁多,科技含量高,一定程度上代表了紧固件行业的技术走向和流行趋势。 斯图加特紧固件展览会是欧洲紧固件行业内的龙头展会。展会向紧固件制造商、供应商及采购商、专业人士、分销商、业内专家提供了一个很好的交流平台。 本展会代表了紧固件行业的完整供应链。对于来自全球的紧固件专业技术人员来说,斯图加特紧固件展览会是了解行业最新发展趋势的绝佳机会,并且可以同行业专家会谈。 斯图加特紧固件展览会的举办地,是巴登符腾堡州,是德国最为繁华的商业地区之一。有数目众多的机床制造商、建筑公司以及世界领先的汽车制造商都把总部设在这里。位于德国南部的斯图加特提供了很棒的各种设施,便于从德国本土及周边国家地区过来的旅客使用。 展品范围 紧固件生产: 紧固件生产设备、紧固件材料、紧固件用模具和耗品、检测仪器、包装设备、其它相关生产技术和设备等 紧固件: 标准紧固件、非标紧固件、冲压件和车床件、各专业应用领域紧固件产品等

Fastener Italy

Date:2024-10-29 - 2024-10-30
FASTENER Italy 2024, held from October 29 to October 30, 2024, at the Milan Ro Pero, Milano, Italy New Milan Exhibition Hall, hosted by MACK BROOKS. The exhibition takes place every two years, with a total exhibition area of 345000 square meters and a total audience of 340000. The number of exhibitors and participating brands reaches 1400. Fastener Italy, an international fastener exhibition held annually by MACK BROOKS in Milan, Italy. MACK BROOKS is also the organizing committee of the Fastener Exhibition in Stuttgart, Germany. MACK BROOKS' professionalism and exhibition promotion in the fastener industry are extremely well-known worldwide.   展会介绍 2024年意大利米兰紧固件展览会(Fastener Italy),展会时间:2024年10月29日~10月30日,展会地点:意大利-米兰-Rho-Pero,Milano,Italy-新米兰会展馆,主办方:MACK BROOKS,举办周期:两年一届,展会面积:345000平米,参展观众:340000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到1400家。 意大利米兰国际紧固件展会Fastener Italy由MACK BROOKS举办,每年举办一届。MACK BROOKS同时也是德国斯图加特紧固件展会的组委会。MACK BROOKS在紧固件行业的专业程度及展会宣传力度在全球都极其知名。 意大利四分之三的能源供给和主要工业原料依赖国外进口,而产品的1/3以上供出口。历史上意国家参与制企业比较发达。伊利、埃尼和埃菲姆曾是三大国营财团,在全国工业产值中约占1/3,经营范围涉及钢铁、造船、机械、石油、化工、军火等部门。上个世纪90年代以来,政府加快了国有企业私有化进程。 中小企业在意经济中占有重要地位,在制革、制鞋、服装、纺织、家具、厨房设备、瓷砖、丝绸、首饰、酿酒、大理石开采及机械工业等领域有较大优势,具有专业化程度高、适应能力强、产品出口比例大等特点。 展品范围 紧固件生产: 紧固件生产设备、紧固件材料、紧固件用模具和耗品、检测仪器、包装设备、其它相关生产技术和设备等 紧固件: 标准紧固件、非标紧固件、冲压件和车床件、各专业应用领域紧固件产品等

Fastener India

Date:2024-07-26 - 2023-07-28
 India Fastener Show, held at Futuremarketevents, India. Old Mumbai Pune Hwy, MIDC, Chinchwad, Pimpri Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411019 India Auto Cluster Exhibition Center, hosted by Futuremarketevents, held annually. Exhibition area: 10000 square meters, Exhibiting audience: 12000 people, with a total of 200 exhibitors and participating brands. India Fastener Exhibition is a professional fastener exhibition in Southeast Asia, where leading companies in the fastener industry can take this opportunity to showcase their latest products and technologies. As the largest fastener, fixing, and fastening technology trade show in India, Fasteners India attracted over 150 suppliers and over 1500 buyers from the region to purchase nuts, bolts, screws, and other fastening products. The exhibition attracted nearly 100 industry exhibitors and 8800 professional visitors from Europe, Asia, and the Americas to visit and purchase. Among them, 50% of exhibitors are foreign exhibitors, and 90% of exhibitors expressed great satisfaction with the exhibition results. 展会介绍 2024年印度紧固件展览会(Fastener India),展会时间:2024年07月26日~07月28日,展会地点:印度-新德里-Near Delhi Zoological Park Mathura Road Delhi-新德里麦丹会展中心,主办方:励展博览集团,举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:10000平米,参展观众:12000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到220家。 印度紧固件展是东南亚地区专业的紧固件展览会,紧固件行业中的领先的企业可以借此良机,充分展示各自的最新产品和技术。 2013、2015年马克公司在孟买举办了两届展览会,吸引了来自欧洲、亚洲及美洲的近百家行业展商及8800名专业观众参观采购。其中50%展商为国外展商,并且90%的展商表示对展会展出效果非常满意。本届印度孟买紧固件展是第五届,组委会是英国马克展览集团,公司成立于1965年,是英国专业从事于展览和传媒的公司,每年在英国、德国、印度、俄罗斯、中国、波兰、法国、希腊、美国、意大利、巴西、匈牙利等举办上百个展览会,其主办的五金紧固件类展会在全球享有盛名。 印度制造已经初现轮廓,2016年印度紧固件展更加证明了印度企业想要培养自己的企业家精神及促进其在全球范围内中的商业机会。 展品范围 紧固件生产: 紧固件生产设备、紧固件材料、紧固件用模具和耗品、检测仪器、包装设备、其它相关生产技术和设备等 紧固件: 标准紧固件、非标紧固件、冲压件和车床件、各专业应用领域紧固件产品等

Fastener Taiwan

Date:2024-06-05 - 2024-06-07
Venue:Taiwan (China)
The 2024 Fastener Taiwan Exhibition will be held from June 5th to June 7th, 2024. The exhibition will be held at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall, No. 39 Chenggong Second Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, China. The organizer is the Taiwan Foreign Trade Development Association, and the exhibition will be held every two years. The exhibition area is 8000 square meters, with 25000 attendees and 500 exhibitors and brands. Fastener Taiwan is the largest fastener professional exhibition in Taiwan, hosted by the Taiwan Foreign Trade Development Association and held at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall. 展会介绍 2024年台湾紧固件展览会(Fastener Taiwan),展会时间:2024年06月05日~06月07日,展会地点:中国港台-台湾-高雄市前镇区成功二路39号-台湾高雄会展馆,主办方:台湾对外贸易发展协会,举办周期:两年一届,展会面积:8000平米,参展观众:25000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到500家。 台湾紧固件展会Fastener Taiwan是全台规模最大的紧固件专业展,由台湾对外贸易发展协会主办,在高雄展览馆举行。 展会划分为紧固件成品区 、机械设备、原材料、模具、手工具区、外商区、 海峡两岸区四大展区,其中外商区和海峡两岸区的设立为本次展会注入了新鲜血液,增添了整个展会的多元性与可看性,更方便国外买主一站式采购。 多年的展会历史,使这个展会积累了大量的忠实客户,为本地和世界各地的展商提供了见面交流的机会。 展品范围 行业专用紧固件: 电子电器、汽车、摩托车、建筑、风电、航空、太阳能用紧固件 标准紧固件: 各种材质螺栓、螺钉、螺帽、垫圈、牙条、销、挡圈、铆接类、膨胀类、锚固系统、DIY产品、非标准件冲压件和车床件、金属冲压件、车床车削产品及加工设备 紧固件材料: 线材、盘元、带钢、冲压用板材、不锈钢、铜材及特殊合金钢材紧固件用 模具及耗品: 生产用模具、油品、表面处理、化学制剂、辅助配件 紧固件设备及技术: 成型机、打头机、搓牙机、滚牙机、组合机、热处理、拉丝机、检测设备、清洗设备 紧固件技术及服务: 紧固件检测技术、专利、授权服务、软件服务、媒体

Fastner USA

Date:2024-05-22 - 2024-05-23
Venue:United States
Fastner USA 2024, held from May 22 to May 23, 2024, will be held at the Cleveland Convention and Exhibition Center in Cleveland, Ohio -300 Lakeside Ave E, OH 44113 USA. The exhibition will be organized by Mack Brooks Exhibitions and will be held once a year. The exhibition covers an area of 20000 square meters, with 18000 attendees and 300 exhibitors and brands. Participate in this unique fastener exhibition. The main audience is engineers, buyers, and R&D personnel from industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and consumer electronics. Fastner USA can find business solutions and obtain the latest industry information on-site, while conducting academic exchanges and discussions at forums and summits. 展会介绍 2024年美国紧固件展览会(Fastner USA),展会时间:2024年05月22日~05月23日,展会地点:美国-俄亥俄州-300 Lakeside Ave E, Cleveland, OH 44113 USA-克利夫兰会展中心,主办方:Mack Brooks Exhibitions,举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:20000平米,参展观众:18000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到300家。 参加这个独特的紧固件展览会。主要观众是来自汽车、航空航天、建筑和消费电子等行业的工程师、采购商和研发人员。 美国紧固件展览会Fastner USA现场可以找到业务解决方案,以及获得最新的行业信息,同时在论坛和峰会上进行学术交流和讨论。 美国经济也保持世界领先地位,预计到2025年GDP将保持稳定增长。随着美国对制造业的重视和包括桥梁在内的基础设施的规划发展,美国制造商需要为他们的产品设计计划发现最新的紧固件、修复和连接解决方案。 展品范围 展品范围: 螺栓、螺丝、螺母、螺柱、垫圈及相关加工设备、特种模具、检测仪器、弹簧、汽车配件、仪器配件、工具、电动工具、门锁、刷子、打包机、生产机械设备及各种配件及零配件等


Date:2024-05-15 - 2024-05-17
2024 Indonesia Jakarta Fastener Exhibition (InaFastener), exhibition time: May 15th to May 17th, 2024, exhibition location: Indonesia Jakarta Arena JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 10620 Jakarta Convention and Exhibition Center, organizer: PT Global Expo Management (GEM Indonesia), held annually, covers an area of 25000 square meters, with 17143 attendees and 400 exhibitors and participating brands. INAFASTENER is a trade exhibition dedicated to fasteners and fixing technology, covering a wide range of products including industrial fasteners and fixing devices, assembly and installation systems, storage and logistics services. 展会介绍 2024年印尼雅加达紧固件展览会(InaFastener),展会时间:2024年05月15日~05月17日,展会地点:印尼-雅加达-Arena JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 10620-雅加达会展中心,主办方:PT. Global Expo Management (GEM Indonesia),举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:25000平米,参展观众:17143人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到400家。 INAFASTENER是专门致力于紧固件和固定技术的贸易展览,涵盖了工业紧固件和固定装置,组装和安装系统,存储和物流服务的广泛产品范围。 INAFASTENER是INAPA紧固件和固定行业定向贸易展览会的一部分。买卖双方都可以借此机会建立联系,学习和获取新技术,与行业共同成长并达到新的业务地位 展品范围 工业紧固件和固定件: 紧固件,拧,插座头产品,坚果,柱和螺纹杆,垫圈和压制件,别针和钥匙,泉,夹子和戒指,整理的工业紧固件,旋钮/手柄/,手指转动紧固件,钩眼产品,钉子,钉书钉,胶粘剂和胶带 施工固定: 混凝土螺钉,紧固件,墙上插头,木/刨花板/装饰螺钉,钉子,别针和钉书钉,螺纹杆和悬挂固,定件,硬件/ DIY预包装和分类,支架和连接器 装配和安装系统: 自动紧固件/组装系统, 进料/出料设备,压力和插入工具,铆接工具,设备和系统,驱动器和螺钉插入系统,焊接/焊接设备,粘合和粘合剂系统,装配钻机,手工具,Clinching /自我穿孔系统,钉/工具和系统,紧固系统,其他装配工具和设备 紧固件制造技术: 紧固件设计和生产模拟,材料,线材和半成品,材料准备和检查,锻造/打头机,CNC加工和车削设备,压力机和冲压机,其他成型技术,螺纹成型,装配和二次加工,热处理,过程控制和数据处理,表面处理,涂料和密封剂系统,检验和质量控制

Fastener Expo Eurasia

Date:2024-05-09 - 2024-05-12
Fastener Expo Eurasia, Türkiye, 2024, time: May 9~May 12, 2024, place: Türkiye - Istanbul Atat ü rk Havaliman ı Kar şı S ı 34149 Ye ş ILK ö y - Istanbul Expo Center (IFM/IEC), organized by Mark Exhibition Group in the UK, with a biennial exhibition period, an exhibition area of 22300 square meters, a total of 6800 attendees, and a total of 320 exhibitors and participating brands. Türkiye Fastener Exhibition is a professional fastener exhibition in Türkiye. By participating in exhibitions, people from all walks of life in the industry can fully understand the latest developments in the fastener and processing equipment industry, and ensure that they always keep up with the times and accelerate their development. Leading companies in the industry also took this opportunity to showcase their latest products and technologies at a two-day industry event. 展会介绍 2024年土耳其伊斯坦布尔紧固件展览会(Fastener Expo Eurasia),展会时间:2024年05月09日~05月12日,展会地点:土耳其-伊斯坦布尔-Atatürk Havalimanı Karşısı 34149 Yeşilköy-伊斯坦布尔博览中心 (IFM/IEC),主办方:英国马克展览集团,举办周期:两年一届,展会面积:22300平米,参展观众:6800人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到320家。 土耳其紧固件展是土耳其地区专业的紧固件展览会。通过参与展览会,行业各界人士可以全方位了解到紧固件及其加工设备行业的最新发展,并保证各自始终与时俱进,加速发展。而行业中的领先企业也借此良机,在为期2天的行业盛会中充分展示各自的最新产品和技术。 不管是参展商还是参观商,都对展会有着非常高的评价,是一个非常专业并且值得参加及拓展商务联络的展会。 展会涵盖范围广泛的产品和服务。从紧固件到紧固件加工机械设备、制造技术、安装技术和安装系统等各个环节。 作为英国马克展览集团国际紧固件展系列展之一,由于土耳其的市场潜力巨大,展会受到越来越多得国际展商的关注和参与。 随着主办机构在德国斯图加特和汉诺威成功地打造了欧洲旗舰展之后,该紧固件专业展览品牌亦成功地进入了印度、巴西、泰国、墨西哥、土耳其以及欧洲市场举办各地的巡展。 越来越多的紧固件生产商和供应商参与其中。 展品范围 各类标准及非标紧固件: 螺栓、螺钉、螺母、螺柱、垫圈以及相关的加工设备、专用模具、检测仪器弹簧,汽车零部件,仪表零部件,各种五金工具零件 紧固件生产: 紧固件生产设备、紧固件材料、紧固件用模具和耗品、检测仪器、包装设备、其它相关生产技术和设备等


Date:2024-05-07 - 2024-05-09
Venue:United Kingdom
2024 UK Hardware and Building Materials Exhibition (UKCW), exhibition time: May 07-05, 9, 2024, exhibition location: UK-London-One Western Gateway Royal Victoria Dock London, E16 1XL UK - United Kingdom-ExCel International Convention and Exhibition Center, sponsor: Media 10 Ltd, holding period: once a year, exhibition area: 40,000 square meters, exhibitors: 30,000 people, the number of exhibitors and participating brands reached 650. UKCW (UK Hardware and Building Materials Exhibition) is an annual hardware and building materials industry exhibition in the UK, aiming to provide a platform for professionals in the construction and hardware industry to communicate and showcase the latest products and technologies. The exhibition brings together construction and hardware suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and professionals from all over the world, providing exhibitors and visitors with an opportunity to learn about the latest market trends and technological innovations. The range of exhibits at the UKCW exhibition covers various types of building materials and hardware products, including building materials, hardware tools, safety equipment, doors and windows, floors, wallpapers, paints, coatings, etc. Exhibitors can showcase their latest products and technologies at the show, connect with potential customers and partners, learn about market demands and trends, and explore new business opportunities. 2024年英国五金及建材展览会(UKCW),展会时间:2024年05月07日~05月09日,展会地点:英国-伦敦-One Western Gateway Royal Victoria Dock London, E16 1XL UK - United Kingdom-ExCel国际会展中心,主办方:Media 10 Ltd,举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:40000平米,参展观众:30000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到650家。 UKCW(英国五金及建材展览会)是英国每年一次的五金及建材行业展览会,旨在为建筑和五金行业的专业人士提供一个交流和展示最新产品和技术的平台。该展览会汇集了来自世界各地的建筑和五金供应商、生产商、经销商以及专业人士,为参展商和观众提供了一个了解最新市场趋势和技术创新的机会。 UKCW展览会的展品范围涵盖了各种类型的建材和五金产品,包括建筑材料、五金工具、安全设备、门窗、地板、墙纸、油漆、涂料等方面。参展商可以在展会上展示他们的最新产品和技术,与潜在客户和合作伙伴建立联系,了解市场需求和趋势,探索新的商业机会。 UKCW展览会每年在英国举办一次,吸引了来自全球的参展商和观众。该展览会为建筑和五金行业带来了许多新的商业机会,推动了这个产业的发展和创新,同时也促进了国内外企业之间的交流和合作。此外,该展览会也为建筑和五金行业的专业人士提供了一个了解最新技术和趋势的平台,促进了这个产业的不断进步和发展。 展品范围 建筑材料: 陶瓷、天然石材、人造石材、塑料异型材、铝型材、修饰材料、涂料、油漆、镶边瓷砖、墙纸及墙板镶嵌等、门窗材料(木、铝合金、塑料、塑钢等)顶棚和房顶材料、建筑器材和设备等; 五金制品: 建筑五金、装饰五金、门窗五金、水暖五金、卫浴五金、标准紧固件、五金杂品等; 门窗类: 各类材料门窗、各类结构的幕墙、墙体材料及型材、门窗配件及帷幕墙、密封及保温材料辅料等; 卫浴设备及地面材料: 五金、陶瓷、瓷砖、卫浴设备、照明设备、厨房设备及附件、屋顶及覆盖材料、地板材等; 标准紧固件: 各种材质螺栓、螺钉、螺帽、垫圈、牙条、销、挡圈、铆固系统、DIY产品、非标准件,成型机、打头机、搓牙机、滚牙机、组合机、热处理设备、拉丝设备检测设备;生产用模具、油品、表面处理、化学制剂、辅助配件;弹簧材料:弹簧钢丝、特殊钢、不锈钢线材等; 其他五金: 电工电料、消防器材、安全防护、劳保用品、脚轮、吊索具、锁具;钢、铝和其他金属,陶瓷,聚合物(工程材料),复合材料等各种不同的工业用材料及化合物等; 其他材料: 手工具、安全防火器材、装饰装修及景观美化、房屋环保技术及维护等; 展馆信息 ExCel国际会展中心 ExCel LONDON 场馆面积:404686平方米 展馆地址:英国 - 伦敦 - One Western Gateway Royal Victoria Dock London, E16 1XL UK - United Kingdom

National Hardware Show

Date:2024-03-26 - 2024-03-28
Venue:United States
Exhibition Introduction 2024 National Hardware Show, held from March 26 to March 28, 2024, in Las Vegas, USA -3150 Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV89109 USA - Las Vegas Convention and Exhibition Center, hosted by Reed Exhibitions, UK. The exhibition takes place once a year, covers an area of 120000 square meters, and attracts 10218 attendees, The number of exhibitors and participating brands has reached 768. National Hardware Show is one of the largest and most important hardware and garden tool industry exhibitions in North America. The exhibition is a professional exhibition for the hardware and garden tool industry, attracting professionals from hardware and garden tool manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, importers and exporters from the United States and other North American countries.   The National Hardware Show showcases the latest hardware and garden tools and equipment, allowing exhibitors to showcase their latest hardware and garden tools and equipment, exchange experiences with other industry professionals, and establish connections. The main exhibition areas of this exhibition include manual tools, electric tools, hydraulic tools, pneumatic tools, gardening tools, construction tools, safety products, hardware accessories, etc. 展会介绍 2024年美国拉斯维加斯五金及花园展览会(National Hardware Show),展会时间:2024年03月26日~03月28日,展会地点:美国-拉斯维加斯-3150 Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV89109 USA-拉斯维加斯会展中心,主办方:英国励展博览集团reed exhibitions,举办周期:一年一届,展会面积:120000平米,参展观众:10218人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到768家。 美国拉斯维加斯五金及花园展览会 National Hardware Show 是北美地区最大、最重要的五金和花园工具行业展览会之一,该展览会是五金和花园工具行业的专业展览会,吸引了来自美国及其他北美洲国家的五金和花园工具制造商、供应商、分销商、进出口商等专业人士。 National Hardware Show 展览会展示了最新的五金和花园工具和设备,参展商可以展示其最新的五金和花园工具和设备,与其他业内人士交流经验和建立联系。该展览会的主要展示领域包括手动工具、电动工具、液压工具、气动工具、园艺工具、建筑工具、安全用品、五金配件等。 此外,National Hardware Show 展览会还提供了一系列的研讨会和论坛,向参展商和参观者提供了五金和花园工具行业的最新见解、经验和知识。展览会还为参展商和参观者提供了一个了解市场趋势和技术创新的机会。 National Hardware Show 展览会是一个重要的五金和花园工具行业的盛会,吸引了来自美国及其他北美洲国家的参展商和参观者。该展览会为五金和花园工具行业的业内人士提供了一个了解最新技术、产品和服务的机会,同时也为他们提供了一个交流和建立联系的平台。 展品范围 工具展区: 手动工具、电动工具、园艺工具、小型加工机械等 DIY五金: 家庭装饰和装修用品,DIY 五金展区: 日用五金、建筑五金、装饰五金、紧固件、筛网等;保安器材: 锁类、防盗及报警产品、安全器材等 照明器材: 灯具及配件、节日灯、圣诞灯、草地灯、各类电工器材和材料等 厨房卫浴: 厨房及卫浴产品,卫生洁具、浴室设备、厨房设备等 维修五金: 维修工具、泵类及各类配件, 园艺及庭院: 园林维护和修剪产品、铁艺产品、庭院休闲产品、烧烤产品等;


Date:2024-03-03 - 2024-03-06
EISENWARENMESSE Fair, Germany, 2024, from March 3rd to March 6th, will be held at Messeplatz 1, 50679 Koln Cologne International Convention and Exhibition Center in Cologne, Germany. The exhibition will be held every two years, covering an area of 280000 square meters and attracting 44000 visitors. The number of exhibitors and participating brands has reached 2973. The EISENWARENMESSE Fair will be held in Cologne, Germany in February next year. So far, it has successfully held 42 sessions, and the Cologne International Hardware Expo is currently the most profitable and effective industry expo. This has always been the preferred exhibition destination for manufacturers, distributors, buyers, and decision-makers in the hardware industry.   2973 companies from 58 countries (compared to 55 countries in 2016) participated in the 2018 Cologne International Hardware Exhibition, with 87% (compared to 85% in 2016) coming from countries outside of Germany. 展会介绍 2024年德国科隆五金展览会(EISENWARENMESSE Fair),展会时间:2024年03月03日~03月06日,展会地点:德国-科隆-Koelnmesse GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Koln-科隆国际会展中心,主办方:德国科隆展览有限公司,举办周期:两年一届,展会面积:280000平米,参展观众:44000人,参展商数量及参展品牌达到2973家。 德国科隆五金展览会EISENWARENMESSE Fair明年2月在德国科隆举办。迄今已成功举办42届,科隆国际五金博览会是目前收益最多,效果最好的行业博览会。这里始终是五金行业制造商、分销商、采购商和决策者的首选会展目的地。 上届来自58个国家(2016年为55个国家)的2,973家企业(2016年为2,783家)参加了2018科隆国际五金展会,其中87%(2016年为85%)来自德国以外国家。 加上展会最后一天的估算数据,2018科隆国际五金展吸引到了来自128个国家(2014年为124个国家)的大约4.4万名专业观众(2016年为43,879名),其中约有63%(2014年也为63%)来自德国以外国家。 下届德国科隆五金展览会EISENWARENMESSE Fair(2021年2月21日-24日)将是您了解产业趋势和市场前景,树立品牌形象,寻找专业的合作伙伴,拓展国际市场的最重要场所。展会由工具、安全系统和锁具、紧固件技术及家居产品等四大类组成,将会吸引来自全球相关领域的零售商、供应商及采购商都将聚集在此。 随着中国在五金及其相关行业的不断发展壮大,越来越多的中国企业想要通过国际性展览会向全世界展示中国最新、最好的产品和服务理念。作为行业的顶级盛会,科隆国际五金展览会自然成为了中国企业走向世界五金市场的首选。该展借其巨大的国际影响力正吸引着越来越多的中国展商参加,有企业评价,该展为五金及其相关行业带来了新的启发和灵感。 展品范围 工具: 手动工具、电动工具、气动工具及附件、车间、工厂设备,工业工具、锁具、安全系统和配件:家具、饰品、装饰五金件、窗户配件、门锁、门配件、钥匙、保安系统 紧固件技术和配件: 紧固件、铁器、 家居改进: 化工产品、室内装饰、板材、室内用品与饰品、卫生洁具与配件、灯具和照明设备、建筑材料、建筑附件照明设备、建筑材料、建筑附件等。 展馆信息 科隆国际会展中心 Exhibition Centre Cologne 场馆面积:286000平方米 展馆地址:德国 - 科隆 - Koelnmesse GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Koln